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Introduction to EPCs

Energy Performance Certificates for homes
The Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) gives home owners, tenants and buyers information on the energy efficiency of their property. It gives the building a standard energy and carbon emission efficiency grade from ‘A’ to ‘G’, where ‘A’ is the best and with the average to date being D/E.

What else does the certificate do?
EPCs are measured using the same calculations for all homes, so you can compare the energy efficiency of different properties.

Part of the EPC is a recommendation report which will list the potential rating that your home could achieve, if you made changes. The report lists improvements that you could carry out and how this would change the energy and carbon emission rating of the property.

You can use this information to:

Does everyone need an EPC?
The EPC is required by law when a building is sold or put up for rent.

So you will only need a certificate if you are:

How do you get an EPC?
EPCs can only be produced as a result of a survey by an ‘accredited’ Domestic Energy Assessor. They are used to collect standard information on the property including its size, how it is constructed and its hot water and heating systems. The information is then fed into a government approved software programme which produces the EPC.

EPCs can only be produced by accredited energy assessors. They may be employed by a company (such as an estate agent or energy company) or be independent traders. Always check they operate as part of an accreditation scheme, as this ensures your energy assessor is operating to professional standards.

How long will it take to get one?
Obtaining an EPC for an average sized home is likely to take the same time as that for a house valuation report which has to be prepared when a property is put up for sale. The exact time will vary from property to property.

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